Mean mustard
There are too many short sighted, ill informed, mean, self serving people now. I fear They would remove protection for unpopular speech, minority rights.
i saw a statistic the other day that something like 25% of all the debt that the us has incurred since 1776 was created in the last 12 months.
that's because they have printed so much currency and instead of letting that stop them, they are going to continue printing more to go on a spending spree on crazy green-new-deal schemes and union handouts.. does anyone think that this can be anything other than inflationary?
they are effectively stealing the wealth of everyone to then hand money out to people.
Mean mustard
There are too many short sighted, ill informed, mean, self serving people now. I fear They would remove protection for unpopular speech, minority rights.
i saw a statistic the other day that something like 25% of all the debt that the us has incurred since 1776 was created in the last 12 months.
that's because they have printed so much currency and instead of letting that stop them, they are going to continue printing more to go on a spending spree on crazy green-new-deal schemes and union handouts.. does anyone think that this can be anything other than inflationary?
they are effectively stealing the wealth of everyone to then hand money out to people.
Things you can buy ahead, toilet paper, detergent, even canned tuna do not go on sale. That adds up as eventually you have to buy anyway.
The numbers will look good now until they figure the COLAs, then hang on.
My ice cream nearly doubled. Lots of empty shelves today at the grocery.
2022-08-09-announcement.. click image to enlarge.. .
No pressure, but we can nag. I know one neighbor witness who lost fwmiky to covid, has hidden ghealth issues and they repeatedly ask me why h e doesn't attend. Go ask him! I think he does wimp at times, but...... he never ver gets the info forwarded to him, at least my " leader" does send meeting changes etc. to me. I forward it to him.
As said, t h e beatings will continue
hi everyone, (including the person who down votes all of my posts).
as some of you know, i'm working toward my master's degree.
comments from those associated when the elder arrangement was introduced would help me with a research paper.. what was the reaction among adherents?
In fairness to SOME of the congregstion servants before the titles, I knew some who were kind, competent, reasonable, and really cared. Maybe they chose a different paint color, fabric for seats or such but they took a lead even if it turned out to be down a wrong path. There were also a few overbearing jerks too, but they were the first in line for the titles.
i don’t understand how jehovah’s witnesses can rightly claim:.
that less than 150,000 faithful christians existed prior to the 20th century....when allegedly millions were martyred during the first 3 centuries of the common era alone.
unique ability to interpret scripture...when interpretation of prophecy has been 100% wrong for over 130 years.. .
Only 20?
i was a bethelite in london for many years then got reassigned to the field and then went on brd from the start of chelmsford right upto covid.. during my years at the branch i was sometimes asked to be on a team who went to homes donated to the branch when some older one died.. this happenes an awful lot, everything is left to the branch in the will.
the unbelieving family is furious they didn’t get left anything and sometimes they tried to get their elderly relatives possessions and there was a legal battle .
but in the end a team of us would go and empty the property and another team would clean it up and put it on the market to sell it for the worldwide work.. all the possessions were sorted into trash or possibly valuable .
What I glean on rings is they were a GB thing; made men or such like mafia. I remember one bragging about having an Italian return visit who in turn had an Italian gentleman follow and give him protection when out in seedy neighborhoods.
The rings seemed to disappear when they were first commented on here. Just like the rolexes and apple watches suddenly left wrists in videos. But nobody monitors us🙂
hi everyone, (including the person who down votes all of my posts).
as some of you know, i'm working toward my master's degree.
comments from those associated when the elder arrangement was introduced would help me with a research paper.. what was the reaction among adherents?
I remember the strutters. " I am an elder" they told me to not worry about becoming one because armageddon would come before the next years apppintments. It didn't and I didn't.
There were 2 of them that had the hots for my wife. Theirs were frumpy, mine was a beauty. She knows it too.
2022-08-01-debit and credit cards.
monthly donation amounts by area. .
We had a resolution tonpay 8.25 x number of pubs. Supposed to cover insurance for co, co car, hall insurance. I wonder about that as there was vandalism and they asked for donations to do the repair. Maybe 19000 is still within the deductible?
¹i borrowed that title ( thanks fedup)on the other in person posting.
started a new posting.
rumor/gossip came from wifes friend who is " in" with an elder.
¹I borrowed that title ( thanks Fedup)on the other in person posting. Started a new posting
Rumor/gossip came from wifes friend who is " in" with an elder. Shiny new one who doesn't seem to like girls. Sure enough big worry locally that people who are presumed able to attend are still on zoom, andfew are dressed up with picture on.
Key words here are presumed and dressedup.
i recently heard from a few pimos and saw on the exjw reddit that the above topic was discussed during a midweek meeting (clam).
the reddit member mentioned that there were complaints from the branch that too many dubs "were posting too many vacation and brunch pictures [on social media] when that time could have been spent in service!
if this is reality--and knowing this cultcorporation, i wouldn't be a bit surprised--they are really trying to stop the r&f/ members from enjoying normal human activities.
Sounds like a local needs that was actually local. None here, but we don't vacation in our economic strata. Belly button showing?
They did have a convention scolding sbout not going to bethel tours but making it to amusement parks a fewcyears ago.